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  1. nicky
    December 23, 2018 @ 6:26 am

    Most of them aren’t even available or usable in the US? I have no idea why the US is so behind in designing decent kettle and toaster sets like Morphy Richard’s Aspect range…which is beautiful and simple. I’ve been trying to find a kettle and toaster set here in the US, sadly to no avail. Everything looks either like a spaceship, a milk canister or a watering can for plants with their new ‘gooseneck’ details (ridiculous). Disappointing!


  2. Eli
    May 9, 2020 @ 8:19 pm

    My sentiments exactly!


    • Li-ling Ooi
      May 16, 2020 @ 1:36 pm

      Hi Nicky and Eli, Unfortunately you are right in that these options are somewhat limited in the US. Having said that, KitchenAid is a local brand with a great design ( Also available locally for you is the RussellHobbs range. If you really do like something you see here but is not available on your local Amazon, it is sometimes possible to order from a Amazon in the UK or even in the EU, although delivery charges will apply and may sometimes be prohibitive.
      Hopefully over time, we’ll be seeing some more of these great designs coming your way.


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